Services covering the City of Greater Dandenong, City of Casey and Cardinia Shire
Access Australia Group offers a free comprehensive model of support and activities designed to help youth find a job and achieve goals. We assist eligible clients to prepare for work such as resume development, training in interview skills, help look for and apply for suitable jobs. Access Australia Group can tap into the hidden job market and provide on the job support and mentoring for clients and employers.
AfriCareers delivers specially tailored and targeted employment support to Victoria’s African Communities. If you’re looking for work but have been out of a job for six months or more, AfriCareers will help you find and keep the job you want. We can assist you to overcome barriers, access any services you might require, build skills and qualifications to get you job-ready, and connect directly with employers. Specifically, our mentors will support you with: • Applying for jobs. • Developing your resume and preparing for job interviews. • Becoming ready for your next role by building your employment skills. • Finding jobs according to your interests. • Enrolling in training or obtaining qualifications. • Personal needs, including transport to attend interviews. • Role support for six months once you have a job. • Connecting you to other community services. Once you’re placed, we provide ongoing support so you can keep that job you’ve always been looking for. AfriCareers is delivered in partnership with Afri-Aus Care and the Centre for Multicultural Youth. To find out more, to enquire about signing up, or to make a referral, email or fill in the form below.
We provide Carer Gateway (Commonwealth-funded) and Support for Carers (State-funded) services: - support for carers to focus on their own needs and personal goals - information and assistance to connect carers with the right support services - support to access respite and equipment - carer coaching - facilitated peer to peer support to enhance carer wellbeing - events for carers focusing on education, peer support and social connection We also provide respite services, resources and supported activities for older people with care needs, and their carers, via the Commonwealth Home Support Program. Fees apply for this program. Every caring journey has its challenges. Maintaining your own health and wellbeing is important. We can help you find the most useful supports for your situation.
Provides alternative education programs for disengaged youth unable to attend mainstream secondary schools.
Please visit website for more information.
AMES Youth Program delivers the Adult Migrant English Program customised to the needs and interest of newly arrived culturally and linguistically diverse migrant and refugee background young people 18-25 years old. It is facilitated by specialist youth teachers and pathway youth counsellors. Participants will learn English with young people, study topics of interest to youth, improve computer and internet skills, prepare for study at TAFE / university, practice skills Australian employers need, gain opportunities for community involvement and combine classroom learning with applied learning opportunities, e.g. Ucan2, Job Club, Creative Arts, youth camp, sport, Aussie cooking, cyber safety, roadsafe.
Our Learn English courses will help you gain the confidence and skills needed for further education and training , finding a job or simply learning to converse in English for day-to-day life in Australia.
The AMES Reconnect program empowers young adults (aged 17-25) to overcome barriers that prevent them from accessing education through a holistic approach that is delivered one-on-one.
Provides high level youth program studies: Further Study and Pathways to Employment (CSWE2/3)
At atWork Australia - we help thousands of people with disability, an injury or a health condition find meaningful work and vocational pathways. • Work that reflects your interests and goals • Work that matches your abilities and skills • Work that helps you get what you want out of life When you choose atWork Australia as your Disability Employment Services (DES) provider, whether you are on Centrelink payments or not - we start delivering the services you need straight away. We work together to meet your goals with a truly individual approach, putting your needs front and centre. We are your Job Coach, your advocate and your partner as you find the right job for you.
Our premier youth program provides personal development and leadership opportunities for young people aged 12.5 - 18 years, with a military and aviation focus. Parade nights are from 6:30pm - 10:00pm every Monday night during school terms
SECASA AWARE provide assessment and treatment of sexually abusive behaviour (SAB) and problem sexual behaviour (PSB) in children and young people, whilst providing support to their parents and carers in the southern region of Melbourne, Victoria.
Be Ur Self is a weekly social support group for young people aged 12-17 years who identify as LGBTIQA+ and their friends.
The Berry Street School is a specialist independent secondary (Years 7 - 12) school. We work from a model of Trauma-Informed Positive Education, which encompasses a structured vision of wellbeing in the school and therapeutic principles of teaching and learning. Due to traumatic experiences, our students often have significant gaps in academic achievement and have found it difficult to learn in a group setting, presenting with behavioural and social problems in school. The Berry Street School provides students with an individual education plan encompassing holistic support and offering intensive literacy, numeracy and personal development programs.
We are active in the area of family relationship services through Family Relationship Centres (FRCs), established by the Australian Government as part of the reform of the family law system in 2005. RAV also runs accredited training and development professional training for those seeking to acquire or enhance their skills to provide relationship support and family dispute resolution services which are accessible via the website.
Please visit our website for a list of the services we offer.
Better Futures is a new service and practice model designed to improve outcomes for young people transitioning from care to supported independence, up to the age of 21. It is guided by a Better Futures (Advantaged Thinking) practice framework and support is tailored to meet the individual needs of young people. Better Futures is a new way of supporting care leavers, engaging with young people and their support networks, including case managers and care teams early in their transition from care, and supporting young people across five service offers; housing and living skills, education, employment, health and wellbeing, and community connections. Young people are eligible for Better Futures support from 15 years and 9 months until their 21st birthday Young people in foster, kinship and residential care are eligible for Better Futures if they are subject to a family reunification order, a care by Secretary order or a long-term care order on or after their sixteenth birthday. Following cessation of their order, young people can receive support up until 21 years of age.
Provides FREE training/short course (non accredited) to vulnerable young people. Courses available: - English - Arts - Cooking - Pottery - Dancing - etc.
Provides - Youth Group, which & can be accessed by younger Aboriginal people, runs on Monday evenings.
The Koori Maternity Services and Aboriginal Best Start programs support young mothers with ante and post natal care and enable them to participate in community services.
The CALD Intensive Support (CIS) Program offers a culturally specific intensive Drug and Alcohol service to CALD Communities and intensive case management service for young people aged 12 to 27 in the City of Greater Dandenong. We offer support, assessment and treatment to young people with drug and/or alcohol issues and aim to promote harm minimisation within diverse communities and families in this catchment.
Navigator provides intensive case management, builds relationships with schools, advocates, offers restorative practices and assertive outreach to support disengaged learners and their families.
A fun, safe and inclusive group where LGBTIQA+ young people aged 17 - 24
Learn new life skills, make new connections and have fun
Create friendships and enjoy diverse activities. Such as cooking, learning about self-care, and more.
For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people. Create connections with the community and enjoy a range of fun activites. Tuesdays 4 - 5.30pm during school terms
A range of excursions and centre based activities take place during the school holidays for young people aged 12-17 years.
Youth Services have so many ways for a young person to be involved with our community. Open to all young people aged 12 - 24.
Cardinia Shire Council Youth Services delivers a range of after school programs, activities and youth committees for young people who live in or have strong connections to the Cardinia Shire.
Cardinia Shire Youth Workers provide information, referral, and support to young people, aged 12 – 24 years, who live, work, study or recreate in Cardinia Shire. Youth Workers are onsite each day at My Place Youth Facility. Monday – Friday, 1 pm to 5pm. Young people, parents and professionals/educators who work with young people are invited to call (18004YOUTH) or pop into My Place Youth Facility during these times. (5 – 7 Main Street Pakenham) Councils qualified Youth Services Officers will be available and ready to assist! Youth Services Officers can assist young people to access, for example, local social, life skill and support groups, as well as assisting in making referrals to specialised support services where needed. This may include drug and alcohol, Centrelink, legal matters, mental health, employment and training, or housing. Our Youth Services Officers are also available during the advertised hours to directly support young people within areas such as: Bullying Family conflict/friendship issues Life, school, or work stresses Building resilience and coping with difficult situations Sexuality/Gender/Identity My Place Youth Facility has a variety of games, electronics (VR/PlayStation and Xbox), computers, and snacks available for any young people who are seeking a fun, safe, and inclusive space to hang out.
Provides a range of community information programs and resources & Emergency relief, crisis counselling, casework, financial counselling, No Interest Loan Scheme NILS), financial literacy workshops. As well as prevention of family breakdown and family violence program, Keeping It Together.
Provides social and life skills for newly arrived young people and their families, case management, employment and training support, English literacy, financial literacy and family and community participation in social activities, local events, festivals. Service is open to all communities (refugees and newly arrived).
Provides an alternative education setting for disengaged or at risk youth. The program is a nationally recognised qualification which aims to improve basic literacy and numeracy skills whilst keeping participants engaged and connected to education. Our class sizes are small - no more than 15 maximum in a class, with the support of a well established and intensive Student Wellbeing program and classroom volunteers to assist with learning where necessary. Student Wellbeing is available every class day and also assists in preparation and transition into the "next step". Participants completing this program may return to school, go on to further education or employment.
ECHO Youth and Family Services provides chaplains in four local schools. Our experienced chaplains concentrate on one-to-one counselling with young people in crisis and work with young people to address common issues such as body image, addictions, grief and behaviour management.
Child FIRST is a centralised intake and assessment service. The service is a family information, referral and support team. One of Child FIRST's roles is to provide a streamlined and integrated approach into the South East Family Services alliance when there are parenting or wellbeing concerns for children. The primary purpose of Child FIRST is to ensure that children, young people and their families are linked effectively into services.
Counselling for young people involves talking to a professional, compassionate and skilled practitioner who understands how young people communicate, the difficulties they face and how best to resolve them. Counselling is judgement-free, confidential and tailored to the young person's unique needs.
Reconnect is a Victorian Government funded program that provides wrap around support services to help vulnerable people to ease back into education, training and employment. People registered with Reconnect are supported to access suitable training opportunities with a broad range of providers including Learn Locals, and private RTO, not only TAFE. We have a team of five Reconnect Pathways Officers, who work collaboratively with other agencies to provide wrap around supports for Reconnect clients. After developing a trusting relationship with each client, we work together to plan a suitable individual pathway through education and training. We arrange regular one-to-one meetings to assess learning and non-learning needs and career goals; identify barriers to successful engagement/make referrals to suitable supports; develop a learning, achievement and pathway plan; and support students transitioning to employment or further education.
The Youth Counselling and Support team offer free, confidential, short term counselling for young people aged 10 to 25 who have a strong link to the City of Casey. The service also supports parents and carers of young people who are experiencing difficulties or concerned about their child's mental wellbeing.
• Individual Youth Counselling: for young people 13-25 years old who live, work, study or have a significant connection to Casey.
• Parent Assisted Therapy: for children 10-12 years old, where parents will be actively involved in the counselling process and implementing strategies at home.
• Parent Support Sessions: for parents or carers of 10-25 year olds, with the aim of providing mental health information, communication strategies with and refining parenting skills.
All services are confidential and offered free, without the need for a mental health care plan. Parental consent is required for anyone under the age of 13 before they can begin receiving services.
We offer free and confidential counselling where young people can talk about anything that might be bothering or stressing them out, including: relationships, family conflict, school issues, mental health issues like depression and anxiety and much more. Youth and family counsellors can see young people either on their own or with their family.
We provide a range of core programs including art, sports and leadership programs. We also facilitate youth committees and gender diverse advocacy groups. This is complemented by cultural and music events for young people. Throughout the year we work closely with young people who design and deliver four holiday programs per calendar year.
Community Support Groups (CSGs) are a coordinated, South Sudanese community-led approach to enhance youth and community engagement, and to respond to local community issues and needs. CSGs offer a range of programs and services including; case management, advocacy, youth outreach, employment pathways, sports and recreational activities, after school homework support, health and wellbeing, referral pathways, secondary consultation, parenting programs family support packages to financially struggling families.
Non-accredited courses in Basic Computer and Business Administration Computer classes and workshops in iPad/Tablet. (These courses will be available in early 2016, please refer to our website for updated information.) These daytime courses run during school terms one day per week for eight weeks.
Connections is for students who are not quite ready to enter Pre-Cal or VCAL. Some students may have become disengaged and not been at school for some time. This intense program is one term in length and designed to prepare that person to move on with their education. Please speak to reception to arrange an interview.
Counselling for women and people under the age of 18 years who: have experienced sexual assault and those people around them who have been impacted by this assault, those who have experienced family violence, children who demonstrate concerning sexual behaviours and/or children at risk of being placed, or who have been placed, in out of home care.
Provides information, advocacy and referral services, as well as crisis support services such as emergency relief (food, petrol and chemist vouchers, food parcels, support with education expenses, Myki Day Passes, etc.). The agency also provides counselling, financial counselling, and a No Interest Loans Scheme (NILS).
Cranbourne Youth Information Centre offers young people aged 10-25 and their families activities information, support and referral on a range of issues, concerns and needs. The centre has information on recreation, employment, health issues, drugs/alcohol, housing, personal development programs, sexuality, family issues, legal issues and education options. Recreation programs are also available for young people aged 10 - 25 years.
Launch Housing provides emergency, shelter, crisis accommodation, housing advice and support to assist people at risk of, or experiencing homelessness in Melbourne.
YConnect is a youth specialist program supporting people aged 15-24 years. Our staff have youth work, social work, psychology, justice or similar backgrounds. Our young people opt in to the program by choice. They are not linked to Centrelink and not mandated to find work. We are excited to help them find sustainable work they can enjoy and connect with. YConnect is free and takes a holistic wraparound approach to connect young people with local services and employment opportunities. We do this through one on one mentoring, workshops and post placement support. YConnect is suitable for young people who may never have had a job before, are living with a disability or trauma, experiencing mental health issues, English is their second language, they may be involved in the justice system, have left school with no direction or have not completed school. We tailor our support based on the young person’s interests and their needs. Call us on 132 848 or submit a participant query on our website to connect with us and start your journey.
The Dandenong Education program has been running for over 10 years. It is a free service that specialises in offering weekly social, emotional and academic support to students from all walks of life. Over 50 volunteers work each week with up to 150 students from backgrounds that include refuges, new migrants and disadvantaged families. The program is framed through the theory of a “growth mindset†and runs every Saturday morning during government school terms.
During Covid restrictions the program has moved online and is running twice weekly on Tuesday and Thursday form 3.45-5pm.
Provides confidential alcohol and drug counselling and referral in Victoria. For people of all ages and backgrounds. 24 hours, 7 days, free and confidential telephone counselling. Professional, qualified counsellors. Information support and referral. For individuals, family members and others.
Mission Australia provides Free Employment Support with compassion and perseverance to help vulnerable people with a Disability, Injury, Health Issue, Mental Illness, Trauma, Learning Challenges, Physical Limitations and Addictions. Mission Australia is able to use its extensive network of employers and community relationships to place jobseekers into meaningful, suitable and sustainable employment and will continue to offer in-work support for a minimum of 12 months (or more when needed). Further assistance includes resume writing, job searching, interview preparation, interview clothes, contact local employers, gain access to work experience and work trials, wage subsidies to employers (eligibility criteria), modification of work areas (when required) and much more. Life can be difficult without a job and Mission Australia, a national Charitable non-for profit organisation, is here to help clients and their family (No waitlist). Mission Australia is also open to referrals and collaboration with the local community. Andrea Savarin - Community Engagement Coordinator - 1300 883 067 or 0490 889 404
A service for women and women with children from the Southern Metropolitan Region of Melbourne who have experienced recent physical and emotional abuse and are not safe in their homes.
Emergency Relief can be in the form of food vouchers, food parcels, travel card, phone card and chemist prescriptions, depending on client need.
Engaging Families provides outreach and counselling support for families with children under the age of 12 living within Cardinia Region. Supports are targeted for people experiencing Family Violence as well as Alcohol and Other Drugs concerns and Mental Health concerns. Includes counselling, parenting support, outreach services, advocacy and group programs.
This program helps families experiencing family violence along with mental health issues and substance abuse. With a holistic family approach, it provides access to services such as counselling, care and recovery, case management and parenting support. Engaging families helps with: • Understanding the impact of family violence, including safety planning, counselling, family therapy and group work. • Managing concerns related to alcohol and other drugs abuse and mental health issues. • Identifying needs and resources available.
The Enhancing Vacation Care Program Helps children and teens aged between 6 - 18 years who have a mild to moderate disability and want to join mainstream holiday activities with minimal support. They need to live in the Shire of Cardinia. There is no cost for the extra support. Children's services are run by OSHClub at Pakenham Springs and Beaconsfield Primary schools. Youth Services are run by the Cardinia Shire and are based at My Place.
Supporting young people to identify personal and professional aspirations, and develop soft skills needed to step closer to these. Offers a variety of activities including one off information sessions and leadership workshops, 6-8 week structured group program, youth leadership/volunteer opportunities and employment mentoring.
Family Services is a community based family support program for families with children under the age of 18 years. Family Services provides a comprehensive range of services and approaches to support families experiencing a range of difficulties that may impact on their parenting and family life. These difficulties can include problems associated with household management, relationship stresses, personal difficulties and parenting challenges. Family Services provide creative outreach and in home support to families experiencing a range of difficulties that may impact on their parenting and family life. To make a referral to Family Services, please call Child FIRST on 03 9705 3939.
Windermere Family Services is a community based family support program for families with children under the age of 18 years. Family Services provides a comprehensive range of services and approaches to support families experiencing a range of difficulties that may impact on their parenting and family life. These difficulties can include problems associated with household management, relationship stresses, personal difficulties and parenting challenges. Family Services provide creative outreach and in home support to families experiencing a range of difficulties that may impact on their parenting and family life. To make a referral to Family Services, please call Child FIRST on 03 9705 3939.
Provides specialised individual or family counselling for victim/ survivors of family violence or sexual assault. Provides free counselling up to 12 sessions with options for extension. Book in for an initial assessment session within 2 weeks of contact.
Feeling Safe Together is for students from Prep to Grade 6. It draws upon locally and internationally recognised safety and preventative strategies, with an emphasis upon building communication, confidence and awareness of issues surrounding sexual abuse.
Financial Counselling Southern provides financial counselling in partnership with Springvale Community Aid and Advice Bureau and Monash Health. Financial counsellors work with vulnerable and disadvantaged people experiencing financial stress, they can assess the financial situation, identify and discuss options relating to credit card or personal loan debt, mortgage arrears, housing insecurity, utility debts and disconnections, council rates, bankruptcy, fines, Centrelink overpayments, taxation debts and complaints about creditors or debt collection agents.
Hampton Park Youth Information Centre offers young people aged 10-25 and their families activities information, support and referral on a range of issues, concerns and needs. The centre has information on recreation, employment, health issues, drugs/alcohol, housing, personal development programs, sexuality, family issues, legal issues and education options. Recreation programs are also available for young people aged 10 - 25 years.
The objective of the automotive taster course is to make people of all ages (particularly "at-risk" youth) ready to enter a workplace in the automotive industry. The course covers the areas of both basic mechanic work and panel beating. Learners have access to an actual workshop and are offered an experience that simulates a real workplace environment, all the while teaching them skills that are invaluable in the field and can improve lifestyle in general - not only the technical skills of the professions, but also interpersonal skills, and helping them understand and manage responsibilities.
headspace Dandenong provides young people and their families with access to youth friendly counsellors, psychologists, GPs and other professionals who can provide information and support if a young person is: feeling stressed out or sad, finding it hard to cope, not sleeping well or sleeping too much, finding it hard to concentrate, needing support for drinking or drug misuse, being bullied, hurt or harassed or worried about work or study.
headspace Narre Warren provides young people and their families with access to youth friendly counsellors, psychologists, GPs and other professionals who can provide information and support if a young person is: feeling stressed out or sad, finding it hard to cope, not sleeping well or sleeping too much, finding it hard to concentrate, wanting support for drinking or drug misuse, being bullied, hurt or harassed or worried about work or study.
The HCSI programs includes three levels: supported playgroups; an after school activity program; and mentoring programs for primary school student in partnership with Cockatoo Primary School. Contact Lynda 5968 8459.
If your family has been moving about because you can’t find a permanent home, or you are facing the very real possibility of losing your home, we can help you. Depending on your situation we can work with you to help your family to find long-term public housing, a private rental or avoid eviction. We can help you by providing information and support so your family can secure the long-term accommodation you need. We can assess the needs of the whole family to provide support, information and referrals to appropriate services with the aim of breaking the cycle of homelessness.
Provides family violence services 24/7 to victims of family violence in the Inner Middle region.
Kids Helpline is a free, 24 hour counselling service for young people aged 5-25 years. Counselling is offered by phone, email and over the web.
Providing assistance to young learner drivers to gain their 120 hours of practice prior to getting their Probationary Licence.
The Le Mana (Empower) Pasifika Project helps to build connected communities and a sense of belonging for Pasifika young people in Victoria. The project supports young people in a range of settings and is delivered in partnership with local government and services to respond to issues facing Pasifika youth and their families.
Learning for Life provides the support of a worker focussed on educational outcomes for young people throughout their early years, primary, secondary and tertiary education. A financial scholarship is provided for educational expenses. Literacy and numeracy programs are provided to partner schools and local communities, as well as mentoring opportunities. We aim to have attendance rates at 90% for all our students, retain them at school to Year 10 and into Year 12 and have them on pathways to higher education or work beyond Year 12.
The Leaving Care Mentoring program operates in the Southern Metro Region of Melbourne. The aim of the program is to connect vulnerable young people 15 - 20 yrs old, in the Out-of-Home Care system with an adult role model to enhance positive, pro-social integration into the community when approaching independent living. The role of a mentor can vary depending on a young person's individual needs. For example, a mentor may assist with linking a young person to a community social group or recreational activities, assist them with education or training opportunities, or support them with developing living skills and provide general life guidance. Young people on the program will meet with their mentor in the community once per week for a minimum 12 month duration.
13 11 14 is a confidential telephone crisis support service available 24/7 from a landline, payphone or mobile. Anyone across Australia experiencing a personal crisis or thinking about suicide can contact Lifeline. Regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation our trained volunteers are ready to listen, provide support and referrals.
The Lifestyle and Housing Team deliver a number of programs including: Housing Support - Young people experiencing housing concerns or are at risk of homelessness, should always contact their local area entry point (opening door) by calling 1800 825 955. MOIRA can offer interim response housing support to young people to assist them to do this as required. Youth Focused Housing Worker – The primary objective of the MOIRA YFHW position is to provide an early intervention response to young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in the inner/middle south region. Family Reconciliation – This program provides young people aged 16-25 (with links to the Southern Region) the opportunity to collaborate with a skilled counsellor and mediator, and explore strategies to strengthen relationships Life and Living Skills – Life and living skills is aimed at improving young people’s stability and social inclusion through development frameworks that equips young people with confidence and resources they need to live independently. The program includes opportunities to engage in an individual or group workshop that offers tools and practical lessons
Making Rights Reality is a program at the South Eastern Centre Against Sexual Assault (SECASA) that gives extra help to adults who have been sexually assaulted and who have an intellectual disability or Acquired Brain Injury, or use aids to communicate.
The Men's Referral Service (MRS) offers anonymous and confidential telephone counselling, information and referrals to help men stop using violent and controlling behaviour.
The service is for:
MPAACS provides long and short term counselling services to youth between the ages of 10-25 as well as adults in the City of Casey. The service provides individuals and families with support in dealing with issues such as grief, trauma, stress, anxiety, depression, domestic violence, family conflict and breakdown, learning problems, addictive behaviours, emotional issues, mental illness and beyond.
The Centre is able to provide pathways for those who are pursuing a career, change of job or going on to further their education at MPLCC (Merinda Park Learning and Community Centre) or at other educational providers.
We work with eligible clients to provide a range of services, including: • Casework, information, advice, advocacy and referral to specialist service providers • Community education through workshops, offering information and education on life in Australia, such as driving, the role of police, housing, tenancy, employment, parenting, family violence, health and well-being, drugs and alcohol, and water safety • Group work that involves educational, social and/or recreational activities, to involve clients in community life. This covers everything from health and well-being projects to skill-based social support activities, school holiday recreation and Australian cultural orientation • Community development work, to help with life skills, community engagement, education and employment, social support, governance of community associations and planning gatherings and events.
Provides employment support with compassion and perseverance for young people and adults going through personal challenges, such as Mental Illness (e.g. Depression, Anxiety, PTSD), physical limitations and any addictions (e.g. Gaming, Drug and Alcohol), to get their life back on track through education, case management, financial assistance, job opportunities and ongoing support. (Age 14 to retirement age). Further assistance with Centrelink advocacy, coaching, career advice, resume writing, interview skills, interview clothes, gain access to work experience and work trials, job searching, calling employers, referrals to jobs in the local area, wage subsidies to employers (eligibility criteria), modification of work areas (when required), post-placement support once in employment and much more.
The Youth and Family Team supports young people (16-25 years or equivalent developmental age) at our Tuesday and Thursday Youth Hubs by providing individual assessments, support services and groups. Limited services for 12-15 year olds, contact our youth triage team to discuss. The Youth Hubs include dietetics, exercise physiology, Zumba, music therapy, communication skills, health assessments and group programs to improve young people’s health literacy. Vulnerable and disadvantaged young people presenting with complex health and social issues are the target cohort.
Monash Health Community provides culturally appropriate health and wellbeing care and support for the Aboriginal community through services including: children's health services, chronic disease management programs, community health nurse, counselling, dental services, diabetes education, diet and nutrition education, health promotion and prevention programs, massage, speech therapy, youth and craft activity groups.
The Aboriginal Children's Health Team supports expectant mums, children and their families as they move through their hospital journey. The Aboriginal Hospital Liaison team supports patients, families and carers through their hospital journey.
The Young Adults Transition Service at Monash Health assists young adults with complex medical needs and/or developmental disabilities to transition from paediatric to adult healthcare services.
If you are looking for work but have been out of a job for six months or more, MyWay offers tailored support to help you find and keep the job you want. We can assist you to overcome barriers, access any services you might require, build skills and qualifications to get you job-ready, and connect directly with employers. Specifically, our mentors will support you with: • Applying for jobs. • Developing your resume and preparing for job interviews. • Becoming ready for your next role by building your employment skills. • Finding jobs according to your interests. • Enrolling in training or obtaining qualifications. • Personal needs, including transport to attend interviews. • Role support for six months once you have a job. • Connecting you to other community services. Once you are placed, we provide ongoing support so you can keep that job you have always been looking for. MyWay is delivered in partnership with IMVC. To find out more, to enquire about signing up, or to make a referral, email or fill in the form below.
Narre Warren Youth Information Centre offers young people aged 10-25 and their families activities information, support and referral on a range of issues, concerns and needs. The centre has information on recreation, employment, health issues, drugs/alcohol, housing, personal development programs, sexuality, family issues, legal issues and education options. Recreation programs are also available for young people aged 10 - 25 years.
Provides outreach and case management services across the Southern Melbourne Area to disengaged young people, aged 12-17 to re-engage them into education. Service delivery is provided through a consortium model, including YSAS, TaskForce and South East Community Links.
Provides outreach and case management services across the Southern Melbourne Area to disengaged young people, aged 12-17 to re-engage them into education. Service delivery is provided through a consortium model, including YSAS, TaskForce and South East Community Links.
Neami's Youth Residential Rehabilitation Service (YRRS) is a mental health recovery program set within a residential setting for young people aged 16 to 25. Residents can reside on site while undertaking the program for a negotiated time period (maximum 12 months). During this program, we work with you in areas of self-development so that you feel capable and confident to live a life that has meaning for you.
Newpin (New Parent and Infant Network) is an intensive parent education program that works therapeutically with families under stress to break the cycle of destructive family behaviour and enhance parent-child relationships. Newpin was created in response to the needs of new mothers experiencing issues such as isolation, mental illness, family violence, social disadvantage, low self-esteem and for those who were at risk of physically or emotionally harming their child or children.
No Interest Loans (NILS) are loans of up to $1,200 for essential household items such as a bed, fridge or washing machine, or for educational or health items e.g. school books, a wheelchair. These loans are not for paying debts or for rent or bond. Payment is made directly to the supplier of the goods.
NILS supplies no interest loans to eligible members of the community who are on Centrelink benefits. The loans are typically for whitegoods or car repairs.
Noble Park Community Centre celebrates diversity by providing an inclusive and welcoming environment where members and supporters can meet, socialise and learn. A broad range of classes and programs are offered empowering participants to explore new skills and gain confidence in all areas of life.
Operation Newstart Casey provide personal development programs for young people considered ‘at risk’ of disengaging from education. Participants aged between 13 – 16 years of age, who are enrolled in partner secondary colleges from Casey and Cardinia are referred via school teaching staff. Operation Newstart Casey programs typically involve a variety of life skills, community engagement and adventure based activities delivered by DET education, YSAS and headspace staff.
Parentzone provides a variety of parenting programs offered at no cost, such as You and Your Kids Matter, Beyond the Violence, Getting Teens on Track, Parenting in Australia and Parenting a Child on the Autism Spectrum. For more information about group times please call 03 5945 2000. Parentzone also provides a quarterly newsletter with information about parenting supports across the Southern Region. To access the newsletter visit Parentzone also provides training and consultancy for professionals in facilitating parenting programs, a resource library and information about other family support agencies.
The Centre helps people use the law to protect and advance their rights, offering free advice on most legal issues, including family law, family violence, fines, tenancy and rooming house advocacy. Ongoing assistance is targeted to assist clients who are experiencing disadvantage. The Centre undertakes a range of community legal education, community engagement and law reform activities and is active in a number of community and Sector networks.
This is a youth crime prevention program that supports young people between 10-23 years who have had repeated contact with the justice system as serious or recidivist offenders. PIVOT helps young people to learn new skills, reconnect with education or access employment, build relationships and generate meaningful connections within the community. Participants join this program voluntarily. We work with them for 12 months to address the underlying causes of their offending behaviour through case management, tailored support plans and mentoring to link them and their families into prosocial activities that address criminogenic needs. PIVOT provides young people a space where they can actually have their say, personalising the support to their unique needs, circumstances and goals. TaskForce runs the PIVOT program in Frankston, Dandenong and Casey as part of the YSAS-led consortium
The Psychiatric Triage Service is the usual entry point to our mental health services. Consumers, carers and health professionals can contact the Psychiatric Triage Service. We are the largest mental health provider in Victoria, providing comprehensive services in both hospital and community settings.
Provides rape crisis counselling service for anyone who has experienced or is at risk of sexual assault or family violence - 24 hour.
Our Cranbourne North Centre exclusively provides men's behaviour change programs and case management support. For information about our other programs and services, including counselling and other group programs, please visit website for more information.
Peer educator secondary school program about non-violent relationships. Suitable for Years 7 to 12.
Provides individualised and group based services for young adults with disability. Services include community-based recreational activities, volunteering, employment, fitness, life-skill development and various therapies. Therapy services for children with disability, developmental delay or additional needs include occupational therapy, speech pathology, physiotherapy and psychology.
Confidential counselling and support for those who have been sexually or physically assaulted recently or in the past.
This 24 hour crisis service is available for adults, children and non-offending family members who have been involved in sexual assault and family violence.
Provides legal advice and assistance to all victim/survivors of sexual assault, non-offending family members and any other person affected by the assault, other than the offender. We offer a unique service which works closely with counsellors and provides legal advice in familiar surroundings for victims.
SECL Youth Services provides general support to young people aged 14-25 years. Issues include: grief, anxiety, depression, relationships, drug and alcohol dependence, mental health issues related to unemployment and/or homelessness, personal and interpersonal issues, behavioural issues.
Provides settlement services and life skills programs to young people aged 14 to 25
Drop In Service: The Youth Links Drop In service operates from 2pm to 5pm, Monday to Friday. The service provides information, referrals, initial assessments, personal support, crisis intervention, advocacy, emergency relief and other practical support to young people aged 14 to 25 years.
Youth Links provides Intensive Case Management to individuals or families whose needs require a high level and complexity of service provision. Support is provided in the areas of: drug and alcohol, mental and/or physical health, homelessness or at risk of homelessness, self care, exposure to and effects of violence, money management and finances, relationship issues, personal safety and wellbeing.
Negotiates opportunities for young people to experience the workplace through work experience, structured workplace learning and school based apprenticeships.
SECL Youth Services is a place where young people are always welcome. We offer a wide range of services and help for young people aged 25 and under. We are open Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm. Drop-In services are available Monday to Friday, from 2pm to 4.30pm. Young people can see a worker, talk about what’s happening and find out how we can help. You can also just drop in and use our computers to access Facebook, emails, the internet, do your school work, etc
The Community Integration Program (CIP) works with young people in out-of-home care (i.e. residential, foster or kinship care) to explore a new activity, sport or interest area within their community, with the support of a volunteer. These links create connections between young people and their community to reduce isolation and disconnection by increasing social skills and self-confidence. Often, the mentor/mentee-type of relationship can endure after the 12 month program has finished.
Provides one-on-one support to refugee young people. Other services include activities (sport, school holiday programs, workshops, art, competitions and homework support).
The Specialist Reconnect program works with newly-arrived (in Australia for less than 5 years) young people from refugee backgrounds who are at risk of homelessness. The program incorporates family centred approaches with culturally responsive service delivery that utilises a variety of strategies such as case management, counselling, group work, family mediation and practical support.
Established in 1973, Springvale Monash Legal Service (SMLS) is a community organisation that provides free legal advice, assistance, information and education to disadvantaged members of the community. SMLS aims to empower and support members of the community to use the law and the legal system to protect and advance their rights and broaden their awareness of their responsibilities; to redress imbalances in access to justice through the provision of legal assistance and information, community legal education and law reform; and to develop the confidence, skills and ethics of law students through clinical legal education in a community environment.
The StandBy program is focused on supporting anyone who has been bereaved or impacted by suicide at any stage in their life, including: individuals, families and friends, witnesses, first responders, and service providers. StandBy is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week, providing free face-to face and/or telephone support at a time and place that is best for each individual. The program offers coordinated evidence-based support and resources (including connections to local services and groups) that is individualised for each person’s unique circumstance. This support is continued for up to two years to ensure those that engage with StandBy are not alone and receive ongoing support.
Provides homework support, games, workshops, social support and referral pathways for young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.
StepUP loans are up to $3,000 for the purchase of household items, car repairs, second hand cars, vocational education or health expenses. They are not for debts, bills or holidays. Payment is made directly to the provider of the goods or service.
The Suicide Call Back Service is a 24-hour, nationwide service that provides telephone and online counselling to people 15 years and over who fit one of the following categories:
•People who are suicidal
•People caring for someone who is suicidal
•People bereaved by suicide
•Health professionals supporting people affected by suicide.
SuicideLine is a 24/7 telephone counselling service offering professional support to people at risk of suicide, people concerned about someone else’s risk of suicide, and people bereaved by suicide.
Youth Links SAAP Team assists homeless and at risk of homelessness young people to overcome and reduce the challenges to obtain and maintain suitable and affordable housing. The SAAP program aims to provide the best possible service to meet individual client needs by encouraging young people to make informed choices and decisions, to learn independent living skills and to take control of their lives.
MOIRA delivers Targeted Care Packages which can assist young people residing in residential care to exit to a better placement option or as a prevention to entering residential care. Only children and young people subject to a statutory child protection order are eligible for a targeted care package and referral is determined by Child Protection alongside the DHHS packaging team. A targeted care package is an allocation of funding attached to a specific young person and based on an assessment of that young person’s needs. A targeted care package provides funds for one or a number of clearly articulated supports to meet the young person’s needs and is available for as long as they need (subject to review). Key workers are a core part of most targeted care packages. The key worker has a pivotal role in supporting the implementation of the targeted care package by providing case management functions consistent with the child or young person’s case plan and cultural support plan.
This Unit provides medicals, counselling and treatment to child victims of physical and sexual abuse and is one of only two such units servicing Victoria.
We have different ways of supporting your needs and enabling you to do what you want, so you can achieve a range of goals and interests, including: learning new skills, preparing you for work, completing courses, personal development, social and leisure activities, weekends away, and weekend outings with friends. You can chose how to best use your funding by choosing different types of support: sharing your support (groups) or using individual support.
ECHO is proud to support The Food Store at St Luke’s Cockatoo, providing free food to people in need. For anyone needing food, simply come along to 1 McBride Street, Cockatoo on a Monday between 10am and 2pm.
The Hub is a free and confidential service available to all young people between the ages of 10 - 25 years old, in a relaxed and friendly environment. We assists young people in obtaining professional health care, accessing information and taking an active role in taking care of their health. The Hub can offer access to services and assistance in building better relationships, school assistance, access to medical services, drug and alcohol help, healthy eating, healthy lifestyles and exercise. Young people will have access to a Doctor in order to address general health concerns such as colds, skin conditions, ache and pains. Counselling and treatment options are available to those with concerns or struggles with drug or alcohol issues. A wide range of information and brochures are freely available. Pregnancy testing and contraception options, such as free condoms and emergency contraception, Testing for sexually transmitted infections, Sexual assault counselling, support and referral. An initial health assessment is given to each young person, and a Mental Health Care Plan can be completed by the Doctor. Assistance is available for young people dealing with, Anxiety or depression, Eating disorders, Grief and Loss, Family breakups or bullying, Suicidal thoughts and self-harm.
The Rite Man program is a group mentoring program for young men who may be experiencing a variety of challenges including isolation and lack of positive male role models. The program includes a 4 day camp in the bush.
$30 to $300 depending on what the young person can afford. Cost includes a 4 day camp and 6-12 months mentoring.
The program runs up to 12 months which is inclusive of mentoring.
Any agencies or school can refer. Self referrals are also accepted.
The 'Transition to Work' Program, run by Skills Plus, is a work readiness program for young people aged between 15 and 21 years who are looking for work or need assistance with education and training. The program helps participants to develop the skills that employers are looking for and help young people into training and education.
Unite Alliance meets regularly to develop awareness campaigns and projects that tackle homophobia and discrimination in the community.
The Victorian Certificate in Applied Learning (VCAL) was devised to fill the need for a Year 11 & 12 course which suited all those students for whom the VCE, as a pathway to higher education, was too narrow. The VCAL Certificate aims to provide the skills, knowledge and attitudes to enable students to make informed choices regarding pathways to work and further education. Personal development, the utilization of a student's particular interests, and new pathways for senior secondary students, in the context of applied learning are underpinning principles of the VCAL Certificate.
If you are the victim of a violent crime, help is available through the Victims Assistance Program (VAP). Our role as part of VAP is to help you to deal with and recover from the effects of the crime by providing you with services tailored to your needs. We can help you in a number of ways: •Emotional and physical support — practical assistance and counselling •Advocacy — providing you with a voice •Providing information, practical assistance and referrals to other services •Helping with preparing Victim Impact Statements and submissions to the Adult Parole Board •Offering support to access the criminal justice system (for both reported and unreported crimes) and to lodge Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal (VOCAT) applications where eligible.
We provide help to people with their legal problems. We focus on protecting the rights of Victorians and representing those who need it the most.
VCAL is a hands-on option for students and gives practical work related experience, as well as literacy and numeracy skills. The class builds on personal skills that are important for life and work. VCAL aims to develop skills that help young people get ready for further education, training or employment. VCAL is an accredited secondary school certificate. All prospective students must have an interview with the VCAL Coordinator. Please speak to reception to arrange an interview.
Pre-Cal is an integrated program with a 'work ready' focus, which can be modified for both year 9 and year 10 students. This program will prepare the students to move into either:
• VCAL at a mainstream school or at Merinda Park Learning & Community Centre
• Employment, including apprenticeships or traineeships
• VCE at either mainstream school or TAFE Please speak to reception to arrange an interview.
You can keep fit through workouts and training at home; learn all about nutrition with our delicious recipes and Healthy Living Magazine; look after your wellbeing with mindfulness practices; learn with your family with home activities; and engage with like-minded young people through our Youth Space.
1. Youth Support Program that provides assessment, case managed support and referrals for young people 16-25 years who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
2. Step Ahead Program Intensive long term case managed support.
3. Emergency Youth Accommodation 10 bed congregate care facility providing case managed support.
Whitelion's Southern Homeless Youth Assistance Program provides outreach-based case management and brief intervention support for young people (12-25) who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, living in the Frankston, Casey, Dandenong and Mornington Peninsula local government areas. We can help by connecting young people to housing options, assisting to stabilise housing placements, assisting with family reunification, and connecting young people to mental health services, family violence services, income support and other priorities identified by the young person.
Windana Youth Community House (WYCH) is a 6 bed residential facility located in Dandenong. Length of stay is determined on the individuals needs but is generally between 10 and 15 days. The Windana youth withdrawal unit offers a homelike environment for supported withdrawal from alcohol and other drugs. This may include medical and non-medical withdrawal and pharmacotherapy. The program includes medical and nursing management, case management and support services, complementary therapies – naturopath, mindfulness groups, exercise and recreation, individual counselling and group work including art therapy, nutrition, relapse prevention, harm minimisation and stress management.
Aims to remove barriers and create a safe space of young women from migrant and refugee backgrounds to participate in sports. Offers weekly sports sessions established in Dandenong (football) and Cranbourne East (volleyball).
Mind Australia is a leading provider of community mental health services. Mind offers services to support people in their recovery from mental ill-health and to build and sustain self-defined, purposeful lives. Mind has provided mental health recovery oriented services to individuals and their families for nearly 40 years. Our focus is on an individual’s strengths, values and preferences rather than on symptoms of mental ill-health.
Provides holistic education for young parents where babies up to 12 months old are with parents in classroom. VCAL, Certificate II Vocational Certificate, parenting and life skills.
Youth Support + Advocacy Service (YSAS) is a leading youth health not-for-profit agency that enables highly vulnerable and high-risk young people with substance dependence and misuse issues, mental illness and social disconnection to take control of their health and wellbeing.
1800 My Options is a service of Women's Health Victoria and is supported by the Victorian Government.
1800 My Options is a new service, commencing in March 2018. We appreciate your feedback and patience as we establish this new service.
1800 My Options guiding principles include providing all Victorian women with:
Access Australia Group is a Youth Specialist Disability Employment Service. We offer a free comprehensive model of support and activities that are designed to help you find a job and achieve your goals. We assist eligible clients to prepare for work such as resume development, training in interview skills, help look for and apply for suitable jobs. Access Australia Group can tap into the hidden job market and provide on the job support and mentoring for clients and employers.
Alfred Health Carer Services provides free information and support to carers who live in Melbourne’s southern metropolitan region. This includes local government areas of Port Phillip, Stonnington, Glen Eira, Bayside, Kingston, Greater Dandenong, Casey, Frankston, Cardinia Shire and the Mornington Peninsula Shire.
Carers can be any age. Children and young adults can be young carers and may be able to get special help and support. Young carers might not be the only person who cares for someone and they might not provide care every day.
Every caring journey has its challenges. Maintaining your own health and wellbeing is important. We can help you find the most useful supports for your situation.
AMES Australia provides a comprehensive range of settlement services for refugees and migrants. These include on-arrival settlement support, English language and literacy training, vocational education and training, and employment services. These services are primarily delivered through the following federal and state contracts:
At Anglicare Victoria, we create opportunities to transform futures. Everything we do is to prevent, protect & empower disadvantaged Victorian children, young people and families.
Parentzone supports parents, carers and families to share and try ideas together. Participants share their 'hot topics', the sessions then cover those topics, like: getting kids to listen, discipline, rules and consequences, helping children to deal with strong feelings, developing resilience, what to expect at different ages and stages and building strong relationships.
At atWork Australia - we help thousands of people with disability, an injury or a health condition find meaningful work and vocational pathways.
When you choose atWork Australia as your Disability Employment Services (DES) provider, whether you are on Centrelink payments or not - we start delivering the services you need straight away. We work together to meet your goals with a truly individual approach, putting your needs front and centre. We are your Job Coach, your advocate and your partner as you find the right job for you.
The Australian Centre of Trauma and Wellness is offering counselling services via phone and video during Covid restrictions. We also offer equine assisted therapy as an experiential way for people to learn about themselves and how they communicate with others. We work with people who have experienced abuse, neglect, family violence, parents separated, experienced disaster (flood, fire, pandemic, etc), or struggling to make or maintain healthy relationships.
The Berry Street School is a specialist independent school that supports 150 students across years 7-12.
Our students are at the centre of everything we do, which is why our programs are designed to meet their individual needs. Our curriculum is delivered with high expectations for student learning and has a focus on helping students build the tools they need for a successful future.
Students at our school have become disengaged from mainstream education. They come from a variety of backgrounds: some have experienced bullying in mainstream schools and some are in out-of-home care (foster, kinship and residential care). This means they often have gaps in their learning.
These students need specialised support to keep them on track with their learning and ensure they have the same opportunities as their peers. Without this support, young people are at risk of disengaging completely from education, which can lead to poorer life outcomes.
A philanthropic organization delivering free courses and training for disadvataged community members.
Provides access for the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander community to primary health care, allied health care and referrals, health promotion and chronic care and maternity services, as well as social support programs and services including youth, family, housing, HACC, early years learning and development and social and emotional well-being.
Cardinia Shire Council Youth Services delivers a range of health; well-being and developmental programs; services; activities; and events to young people 12-24 years who live within the Shire - enabling them to build resilience around issues they may face, fulfil their potential and develop themselves as young adults and community members. Services operate from My Place Pakenham Youth Facility, 5-7 Main Street, Pakenham Vic 3810.
Provides a range of community information programs and resources; Emergency relief crisis; counselling; casework; financial counselling; No Interest Loan Scheme; financial literacy workshops.
The Centre for Multicultural Youth is a not-for-profit organisation based in Victoria, providing specialist knowledge and support to young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds.
For over 30 years, we have been working to ensure young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds have every opportunity to succeed.
We do this by removing the barriers many young people face as they make Australia their home, through a combination of support services and programs, sector capability building, advocacy and knowledge sharing.
Foundation College courses provide learning and employment experiences that prepare learners with the skills to explore work opportunities and take up further study. We meet with learners to plan the steps to meet their skill needs and future goals, including:
The City of Casey Youth Services provide a generalist youth service for young people aged 10 - 25 years. The aim of these services is to support the healthy physical, social and emotional development of young people, enhancing protective factors and working to develop their strengths and minimize the impact of risk factors in their lives.
City of Greater Dandenong Youth and Family Services works with young people (aged 12-25 years) and their families who live, work, study or have a significant connection to the municipality. Youth Services is a generalist youth service, providing a range of programs and events, youth leadership committees, community development activities, and counselling and support services.
Provides access to a Certificate II in Automotive Body Repair Technology. The objective of the service is to make people of all ages (particularly "at-risk" youth) ready to enter a workplace in the automotive industry. The course covers the areas of both basic mechanical work and panel beating. Learners have access to an actual workshop and are offered an experience that simulates a real workplace environment, all the while teaching them skills that are invaluable in the field and can improve lifestyle in general - not only professional skills, but also interpersonal skills and a sense of responsibility.
Provides information, advocacy and referral services, as well as crisis support services such as emergency relief (food, petrol and chemist vouchers, food parcels, support with education expenses, Myki Day Passes, etc). The agency also provides counselling, financial counselling, and a No Interest Loans Scheme (NILS).
Central Victorian Group Training Australia (CVGT Australia) offers a range of employment programs for job seekers and providers, including the YConnect youth specialist program.
Provides social, recreational and pre-accredited learning programs and activities for people of all ages.
DVJS is a Commonwealth Government Funded initiative that assist people with disabilities with entry into the workforce. DVJS offers - One on one tailored program with case manager - Job guidance - Friendly and supportive staff - Assistance with resumes - Job interview and job search skills - Reverse marketing - Job applications on behalf of our clients - Work assessments and trials - Post placement support/ Maintenance - On site training and support to both client and employer
ECHO is a Christian charity that was founded in 1984. Our mission is to provide the people of the Eastern Dandenong Ranges with services they need to cope with the challenges of life. We provide support to youth and families through a range of programs, including youth mentoring, playgroups, school chaplaincy, food aid, financial services and digital mentoring.
Early in Life Mental Health Service (ELMHS) is a place where young people who are experiencing emotional, behavioural or mental health problems can get help.
If you are having trouble coping with a serious problem on your own, but don’t know how to change or improve things, we may be able to help.
Provides Art Therapy individual and group sessions and workshops for young people aged 5 and up. Kerryn Knight is a level 2 member of ACA with a current police check and working with Children Check who specialises in working with Indigenous and multicultural youth.
ermha365 provides a range of mental health services designed to help people experiencing mental health challenges to thrive in the community.
Psychosocial support services – providing recovery support for adults with severe mental illness in Victoria, including the Psychosocial Support program, Continuity of Support, and Transition Support program
Early Intervention Psychosocial Support program – providing a new support model for individuals receiving Adult Mental Health Services and who do not qualify for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), or who have experienced a delay or difficulty in accessing the NDIS
Residential support – three adult Prevention and Recovery Care (PARC) services located in Springvale (women only), Clayton, and Barwon, providing short-term, offering residential treatment with a recovery focus
TAC – The Transport Accident Commission (TAC) funds ermha365 to deliver psychosocial outreach and case management services to support the recovery of people involved in a motor vehicle accident
Carer support – ermha365 has a longstanding commitment to supporting carers. Our organisation was founded by carers, and we have thousands of carers to ‘put themselves first’ with self-care strategies, peer support, education, information and social groups.
Mental Health Compass – an online directory of mental health information, support services in your local area
Family Life is a specialist family services provider working with vulnerable children, families and communities since 1970. At the core of our organisation is our vision to build capable communities, strong families and thriving children.
Foundation Learning Centre is a Community Education Provider in the Southern Metropolitan Region. The Youth Department runs alternative education programs for students between the ages of 13-20 years who are disengaged from education in a mainstream setting. We provide individual attention and use relevant adult learning principles with a youth focus to keep the young people interested in achieving a range of measurable learning outcomes towards their future.
Provides a place where the local community can meet, communicate and develop skills, pathways and learn in friendly supportive surroundings.
We also offer other ACFE courses, currently online training or expressions of interest being:
headspace Narre Warren provides FREE-YOUTH FRIENDLY-CONFIDENTIAL services to young people aged 12-25 going through a tough time. We provide counselling services and run programs and activities throughout the year. To arrange a time to speak with one of our friendly team members simply call 1800 FOR YOU (1800 367 968) or simply walk in to our centre. If you're not feeling up to contacting us yourself, feel free to ask your family, friend, teacher, doctor, or someone close to you to make the call with you.
Jesuit Social Services is a Community Services provider that provides practical programs and advocacy across five main areas:
We offer a range of services for all members of the community.
Living & Learning Inc. operate two Skills and Wellbeing Centres in Pakenham for Cardinia Shire residents. Our Henry Street Centre is situated on the PB Ronald Reserve just up from the Pakenham Library and our newest centre is the Toomah Community Centre located in Golden Green Street at Lakeside Pakenham.
Living & Learning Inc is a Community College, Neighbourhood House and soon to be Migrant Resource Centre . We deliver Skills and Wellbeing for Cardinia's Communities at our centre in Henry Street. We offer a range of Accredited and Pre-Accredited courses as well as hobby and wellbeing programs, migrant resources, information referral, volunteer opportunities and workshops.
The Men's Referral Service (MRS) offers anonymous and confidential telephone counselling, information and referrals to help men stop using violent and controlling behaviour. The service is for:
Merinda Park Learning and Community Centre is a not for profit community-managed organisation that provide pathways for those who are pursuing a career, change of job or going on to further their education. As a Learn Local provider, we provide students with the opportunities of learning through low cost, flexible and supportive courses. Merinda Park also has a VCAL program. The Victorian Certificate in Applied Learning (VCAL) was devised to fill the need for a Year 11 & 12 course which suited all those students for whom the VCE, as a pathway to higher education, was too narrow. The VCAL Certificate aims to provide the skills, knowledge and attitudes to enable students to make informed choices regarding pathways to work and further education.
Mind Australia Limited is one of the country's leading community-managed specialist mental health service providers. We have been supporting people dealing with the day-to-day impacts of mental illness, as well as their families, friends and carers for 40 years.
Mission Australia is a national non-for profit community service organisation with more than 155 years' experience in standing together with Australians. We support young people, families, adults and communities to access the same opportunities, resources and social connections that most of us take for granted. In the City of Casey and Greater of Dandenong areas, we foster collaboration with the local community to help vulnerable people with Disability, such as Depression, Anxiety or other physical limitations and any addictions (eg. Drug and Alcohol), to get their life back on track through case management, financial assistance, employment opportunities and ongoing support.
MOIRA Youth, Disability, Family is a registered charity that provides support to young people and individuals living with disability as well as their families.
Your Journey is MOIRA’s Youth Services program, aimed at supporting and empowering young people to develop into independent young adults. Among other initiatives, Your Journey’s main program areas include:
As our guiding mantra, ‘Choose your tomorrow’ reflects both MOIRA’s cultural values and vision. MOIRA exists to enhance the potential for people to live independent and fulfilling lives and create their own stories, writing their own futures.
Find out more at
Monash Health provides health care across south eastern Melbourne, uniquely integrating in one organisation all primary, secondary and tertiary health services, as well as world-renowned research and teaching facilities. ELMHS provides a range of mental health services (0-25) to pregnant mothers, infants, children, adolescents and youth and their families within the Southern Region.
Neami's Youth Residential Rehabilitation Service (YRRS) is a mental health recovery program set within a residential setting for young people aged 16 to 25. Residents can reside on site while undertaking the program for a negotiated time period (maximum 12 months). During this program, we work with you in areas of self-development so that you feel capable and confident to live a life that has meaning for you.
Noble Park Community Centre celebrates diversity by providing an inclusive and welcoming environment where members and supporters can meet, socialise and learn. A broad range of classes and programs are offered empowering participants to explore new skills and gain confidence in all areas of life.
The Oakwood School engages students into learning through a personalised learning plan that focuses on the development of literacy, numeracy, social skills, art and physical education. Oakwood School provides:
• A positive, quiet learning environment
• Small classes and individual learning support
• Case management based on the learning and behavioural needs of the young person
• Partnerships with agencies to provide holistic support and services as required
The Caulfield Park Community campus of Oakwood School is seen as an "alternative school and the program includes Music, Home Economics and Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) programs.
Integral to the program at Caulfield Park are significant events such as camps, excursions and whole school activities. Targets secondary school age students.
The Centre helps people use the law to protect and advance their rights, offering free advice on most legal issues, including family law, family violence, fines, tenancy and rooming house advocacy. Ongoing assistance is targeted to assist clients who are experiencing disadvantage. The Centre undertakes a range of community legal education, community engagement and law reform activities and is active in a number of community and Sector networks.
Relationships Australia Victoria (RAV) is a community-based, not-for-profit organisation, with no religious affiliations. Our services are for all members of the community, regardless of their religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, lifestyle choice, cultural background or economic circumstances. We respect the rights of all people in all their diversity to live life fully within their families and communities with dignity and safety and to enjoy healthy relationships. Our objective is to provide high quality and comprehensive services that relieve the suffering, distress and helplessness of vulnerable and disadvantaged people so as to enhance their physical, social and emotional wellbeing.
Rite Mentoring is an innovative youth mentoring organisation that equips local communities to prepare boys for the responsibilities of manhood. We train mentors, provide school and community-based mentoring programs, and facilitate rites of passage experiences.
Provides individualised and group based services for adults and children with disability, developmental delay or additional needs. Services include community and centre based activities, therapy, education, community inclusion and respite.
Together SkillsPlus and BRACE run a diverse range of services offering a pathway from education and training into employment. Our delivery is underpinned by our vision that social and economic participation should be a right of all individuals in our communities. We offer support to people from various backgrounds and abilities, including disengaged youth, migrants, long-term unemployed, people with disabilities, and those facing financial, learning or social barriers.
SECL Youth Services is a place where young people are always welcome. We offer a wide range of services and help for young people aged 25 and under.
We are open Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm. Drop-In services are available Monday to Friday, 2pm-4.30pm for young people to see a worker, talk about what’s happening and find out how we can help. You can also just drop in and use our computers to access Facebook, emails, the internet or do your school work.
Intermediary agency connecting education, business, employers, government, schools and community to support young people aged 10 to 21 years.
The South Eastern Centre Against Sexual Assault & Family Violence (SECASA) offers a range of services including counselling for victims/survivors of sexual and physical assault, children and adults, female and male. The Centre also works with non-offending family members, partners, caregivers and support workers.
Provides services to support newly arrived migrants and refugees in Melbourne's south east. Services include family support, support and activities for refugee young people (including homework support), aged care services, social enterprise and community capacity building.
Our aspiration is to enable the disadvantaged people in our community to break the cycle of poverty, isolation and/or poor health and reach their full potential through learning and skills development, direct assistance, effective services and facilitated community connections.
Springvale Learning and Activities Centre (SLAC) is an Incorporated Association, Registered Charity and Registered Training Organisation.
SLAC is also a Neighbourhood House and Learn Local organisation.
SLAC operates a successful Social Enterprise – CoCO’s Community Creating Opportunities located at 2/48 McCrae Street, Dandenong.
Springvale Monash Legal Service Provides free and confidential legal advice to community members of all ages
Springvale Neighbourhood House is a place of learning, social activities and cultural celebration. We provide formal learning in English and digital literacy, daily drop-in activities, healthy lifestyle classes, cultural and multicultural social groups, classes in cultural arts and craft, outings and community celebrations. The House is home to 46 cultural and multicultural groups who meet on all days of the week, including weekends.
The St Vincent de Paul Society aspires to shape a more just and compassionate society. We provide services and activities such as Home Visitation, Soup Vans, Youth Programs, Education Programs, Vinnies stores.
STREAT has a range of youth programs:
Taste of STREAT (Youth) - A 2 hour interactive workshop for young people (and accompanying workers) who are interested in STREAT’s Ready to Work program and keen to learn a little bit more about the program to help them decide if it's right for them. Date: TBC February 2022
Taste of STREAT (Community Orgs) - A 2 hour information, networking and pizza session run by STREAT Youth Programs for Team Leaders and Managers of relevant referral services who are keen to learn more about STREAT’s programs. Date: TBC February 2022
Intro to Work - an eight-week individual program for people wanting to access hospitality or horticulture focused work experience with weekly individual support. This is a roll-in roll-out program that runs throughout the year. Accepting referrals now!
Ready to Work - a 20-week fully supported group program for young people seeking work in hospitality or Horticulture. It includes on-the-job training, accredited training (Cert II in Hospitality or Cert II in Horticulture), Work Readiness workshops, creative and social engagement and individual case support and referral. Plus guaranteed employment opportunities for graduates through our Paid to Work program! Commencing: TBC February 2022. Accepting referrals now!
Paid to Work - a six-month program offering Ready to Work graduates an opportunity to transition into 20-25 hours a week of paid employment facilitated through one of our partner employers.
Job Club: A weekly drop-in session for young people wanting individual assistance with looking for work (E.g. resumes, cover letters, job search sites). No booking necessary – just drop in! Every Friday 1pm - 3pm. *Please note due to COVID-19 restrictions, Job Club will remain Virtual until further notice*
TaskForce Community Agency plays an important role across southeast Melbourne.
We work with individuals and families towards healthier lives, relationships, and communities, being committed to creating positive outcomes for people disengaged, experiencing disadvantage, or living on the margins of communities.
We realise the potential of every individual, empowering them through life-changing services, wraparound support, and pathways.
We help people to overcome challenges related to alcohol and other drugs, deliver specialised youth and families services, and enable people through education, training, and employment support.
Principles that guide us:
Values that shape us:
AfriCareers (JVES)
Engaging families
MyWay (JVES)
Provides respite, adult day services, individual support, supported and open employment.
The Smith Family is the largest Australian children's charity focused on educational outcomes for young people from disadvantaged communities. We are in 91 communities across Australia. We provide educational scholarships, a worker to support the family regarding educational issues for their children, plus literacy and numeracy programs delivered to partner schools. We develop partnerships with schools in the areas where we are located and work through these schools. We belive that every child deserves a chance and we aim to reverse the poverty cycle through educatioal opportunities. The Smith Family is a national, independent non-profit organisation committed to unlocking opportunities for disadvantaged children and their families to participate more fully in society, using education as the key.
We support young people facing barriers to employment, whether it’s due to risk of homelessness, mental disability, socially adverse backgrounds, educational disengagement or long-term unemployment.
Uniting Vic.Tas is a community organisation supporting over 2000 people every week. We work on family strengthening and early intervention services for people in need. We make a practical difference in people's everyday lives, giving them a better chance in life now and in the future. We have offices located across Melbourne's southern and eastern suburbs, including Blackburn, Cranbourne, Croydon, Dandenong, Doveton, Narre Warren, Pakenham, Ringwood and Windsor.
We provide help to people with their legal problems. We focus on protecting the rights of Victorians and representing those who need it the most.
You can keep fit through workouts and training at home; learn all about nutrition with our delicious recipes and Healthy Living Magazine; look after your wellbeing with mindfulness practices; learn with your family with home activities; and engage with like-minded young people through our Youth Space.
Wayss supports people in Dandenong, Casey and Cardinia who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness, and people who have experienced family violence, to access safe, secure and affordable housing.
Whitelion is a voluntary service. We take referrals directly from young people, their family, or statutory services and other community organizations. If you are aged 10 - 25 and live in one of our catchment areas we may be able to provide you with support.
Whitelion can help if you:
Windana is a leading Melbourne-based drug and alcohol treatment centre specialising in holistic, client-focused recovery services programs. Clients choose from residential and a range of supportive community-based recovery and rehabilitation programs. We help people rebuild their lives in a safe, caring environments and support our clients wherever they are in the recovery process.
Founded in 1984, Windana offers medically supported withdrawal programs in addition to its pioneering evidence-based, non-medical treatment programs. For Windana, effective recovery is about offering choices for people to take their lives in new, positive directions.
Provides family violence counselling, sexual assault counselling, parenting support and family services, case management services, family violence flexible support packages, housing services, victims assistance program, school community programs, group work, family day care
Youth Support + Advocacy Service (YSAS) is a leading youth health not-for-profit agency that enables highly vulnerable and high-risk young people with substance dependence and misuse issues, mental illness and social disconnection to take control of their health and wellbeing.